Baptism and Holy Communion are the two sacraments (ordinances) that are celebrated in our community of faith in our worship services. Communion happens on the First Sunday of every month, and baptism is arranged upon request.
In sharing the Lord’s Supper, we receive the presence of Christ at a table that is Open to All. In our unique communion liturgy, our Senior Pastor welcomes all to receive the gifts of God, the body of Christ and the cup of blessings, by saying:
Come to this table. You who have much faith and you who like to have more. You who have been to this sacrament often, and you have not been for a long time. You who have tried to follow Jesus, and you who have failed. Come. It is the Lord of the morning who invites us to meet Christ here.
All are invited to receive the gifts of God, and we believe that ALL means ALL! Communion at Christian Fellowship UCC is shared both by Intinction, in which the community comes forward in to receive the gifts of God, and also by Passing the Tray, in which we invite the community to serve one another seated in the pew.
In the sacrament of baptism, we are named and marked with the seal of Christ once and for all.
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
If you are interested in becoming baptized – we ask that you meet with our Senior Pastor– even if you’ve never met before! In our tradition we baptize by both full immersion and sprinkling. In meeting with our Senior Pastor you will learn the history of baptism, it’s meaning in and for our lives, and the journey (if the the family is seeking to baptize their young child(ren)) toward Confirmation, which is the next step for all children and youth.
Our denomination is unique in that we have we have a Common Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Baptism which means that baptism at Christian Fellowship United Church of Christ is fully recognized by several other Christian churches, including the Roman Catholic Church.
Because we are such a diverse community of faith there are some who prefer to wait until their child(ren) are able to make their own decisions of faith, and not have them baptized as babies or young children. For these members we offer Baby Dedications in worship in which follow a smiliar baptism liturgy to bless and make promises to share in the responsbilities of being Christian community together.
If you are interested in receiving baptism or having you child(ren) baptized please contact us below:
Prayer Request
We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.