This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost Sunday–a day when the entire church is decked out in red, and we gather to listen for the Word of God in Acts chapter 2–when suddenly, without warning or notice, the upper room was filled with sound and motion, wind and fire. The story reminds us that people from near and far gathered in the streets for the Jewish celebration of Shavout, and men and women–filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, ran from the upper room into the city streets to testify about the saving power and love of God made known through Jesus Christ!
While we are not gathered in the upper room like those disciples in Acts chapter 2, we are hunkered down facing our own fears and uncertainty about the future. Will we ever find our way through this global pandemic? When will black men and women no longer have to plead with police for breath? When will sit again with friends and neighbors? When will we gather in our sanctuary to sing and clap for joy? These are the questions we face, not unlike those questions of uncertainty that men and women faced in the days after the resurrection of Jesus. —And suddenly, without notice or warning, the Spirit came, just as Jesus promised, and gave to those who feared, courage; and to those with sadness, joy; and to those with weakness, strength; and to those with sickness, healing; and to those with disappointment, fresh hope.
Pentecost is coming, Church—and the Spirit is making all things new!
See you on Sunday,
Dr. Hill
Don’t forget to wear your RED on Sunday!
Sunday, May 31st at 9:30AM
Meeting ID: 885 7494 2273
Password: 1886
Phone: +1 669 900 9128
Sunday, May 31st at 11AM
Meeting ID: 839 2867 4218
Password: 1886
Phone: +1 669 900 9128