The Rev. Richard Lawrence, a retired Methodist clergyman whose ministry is committed to social justice, organized and has served as the first chair of the San Diego Affordable Housing Coalition for nearly ten (15) years. The Affordable Housing Coalition is an active member of ACCORD (A Community Coalition for Responsible Development), and Richard led negotiations on the housing component in the first Community Benefits Agreement in San Diego between ACCORD and JMRI, John Moores Real estate, Inc. He has served as adjunct faculty at Springfield College (San Diego Campus) and the Western Institute for Social Research in Berkeley.
Rev. Lawrence graduated from Albion College in Michigan with a BA and a Michigan Secondary Teaching Certificate in English, German and social studies. He has a Masters Degree in social ethics from the University of Chicago and completed the post-graduate Program for Management Development at the Harvard Business School.
Rev. Lawrence was active in the civil rights movement and took an interracial group of students from Chicago to participate in the Selma to Montgomery march. He has contributed leadership to dozens of community organizations including: Chair of Negotiations for Operation Breadbasket (PUSH) – Chicago, the Englewood Action Committee – Chicago, Cummins Engine Foundation Minority Community Development Program - Chicago, Greater Lawrence (MA) Community Foundation, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO - NYC), the Chicago and National Black United Funds.
Richard was defeated in a run for alderman in Chicago in 1972; was elected in 1994 and 1996 to the Lawrence (MA) City Council; then lost a run for Mayor in 1997. Richard moved to San Diego in 1998 to retire and enjoy time with four delightful, adult children, three grandchildren and several other family members now living here. He lives in District 4 and is a founding member and director of the San Diego Community Land Trust and Info Power to the People.
He is the author of a newly published book, Light Bright Damn Near White:Stories and Reflection of a MultiRacial Black Man's Battles with Racism in America.